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GRID-Arendal Grants for Investigative Journalism on Environmental Crime 2021

Deadline: January 22, 2021

Applications are open for the GRID-Arendal Grants for Investigative Journalism on Environmental Crime 2021. The journalism grant program funds in-depth, investigative journalism that breaks new ground and reveals new information about environmental crime that takes place within or across developing countries.

They are looking for high-impact reporting, especially on issues that are neglected by mainstream media. They invite proposals for projects on a variety of media platforms, including print, online, audio, video, and multimedia projects. Proposals for data journalism, data visualization, and open source intelligence (OSINT) journalism are welcome.

Four grant recipients will each receive 25,000 Norwegian kronor (approximately €2,300).


  • Journalists from anywhere in the world are welcome to apply. They encourage applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds.

  • You must be a professional journalist, either a staff member at a media organization or a freelancer with a record of publishing work in respected outlets.

  • You must have experience in investigative journalism.

Applications will be evaluated by a team of GRID-Arendal personnel. Among other factors, they will consider:

  • potential to reach a wide audience.

  • potential to make an impact and cause change.

  • journalist’s experience in investigative reporting.

  • whether a project would happen without their support.

Applications should include:

  • Résumé or CV.

  • 3–5 published work samples.

  • Description of proposed reporting project, including plan for obtaining information and summary of preliminary research or reporting.

  • Estimated budget for project, explaining what grant money would pay for.

  • Estimated timeline for project.

  • Publication plan, ideally including letter of commitment or letter of interest from a media outlet, and indication of whether you would publish the project in any languages other than English.

  • Names and contact information for three professional references.

  • Acknowledgement of any other donors or sources of funding for the project, if relevant.

  • Statement about how you would operate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Application materials must be written in English and budgets expressed in Norwegian kroner. All materials should be combined into a single PDF and emailed to Valentin Emelin via and Siri Olsson via Applications that are incomplete or do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

For more information, visit GRID-Arendal Grants

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